Learn about marine debris and what we can do to protect the aquatic environment. Dive Against Debris to Clean Our Seas.
Become a Dive Against Debris specialty diver. Use your voice to be an ambassador for cleaner seas. Develop your abilities as a passionate conservationist.
Gain an understanding of why it is so important to care for our oceans. Meet other environmental enthusiasts along the way.
Unlock your desire to become a citizen scientist. Throughout the course, learn about debris survey techniques and reporting methods. Enjoy time spent underwater while also protecting the ocean. Help preserve our reefs and favorite dive sites for future generations.
First, start the specialty with a one-hour classroom session. Then, head over to the Blue Heron Bridge for a cleanup dive. During the dive, remove trash from the site that is harmful to the environment. Get a firsthand look at how litter affects one of our favorite local sites. Become part of the effort to preserve this site for its marine life inhabitants and others to enjoy. Finally, return to the dive shop to report your findings and log your dive.
Gain invaluable knowledge as you dive against debris to clean our seas. Students in the Dive Against Debris Specialty learn:
- About different marine debris. Find out where they come from and how to combat trash in the ocean.
- How to conduct Dive Against Debris surveys and where to report findings. Make your survey as beneficial as you can.
- What to leave behind. Sometimes cleaning up certain debris can do more harm than good.
- How you can do your part in the AWARE effort of diving against debris and cleaning our seas all over the world.
It can be discouraging to see trash while you are diving. However, if everyone does their part and joins in the conservation effort, we can make a difference together. Start by doing your part today. Commit to cleaning our seas.
Divers should bring their SCUBA equipment for the cleanup dive at the Blue Heron Bridge. Gear is available for rent or purchase at the dive shop if needed.
Students should also bring a pair of gloves and sea snips/a cutting tool for easy and safe trash removal. Mesh bags, trash bags, and other Dive Against Debris course materials will be provided.
Do not forget to arrive with a completed PADI Diver Medical Form.
Ready to start your new year by becoming an advocate for the ocean? Dive into the course with a passion for protecting our seas. Finish the specialty with new information and an ambassador’s mindset you will carry with you on future dives. We cannot wait to clean our seas with you!
Start your year by giving back to the ocean. Continue your education with the Dive Against Debris Specialty. Learn about the importance of keeping our oceans free of debris. Clean our seas and become an ocean advocate. Contact training@puravidadivers.com, call (561) 840-8750, or book your course online: