Sirena headed south to Breaker’s reef for the first dive. Seas were 1-2 ft with clear skies and air temperatures in the high 70s. We had a great group of divers ranging from an open water student to some who have enjoyed a couple of days of diving with us.

We descended on Breaker’s reef near four windows under crystal-clear water. The current was moving ever so slightly in a north direction. Engulfed in the rainbow-colored sponges, swaying soft corals, and masses of tropical fish, the group enjoyed a leisurely drift along the reef’s ledge.

A large female loggerhead sea turtle swam directly towards the group in a slow, deliberate motion. Stopping just short of the easterly two divers in the group, the loggerhead turtle turned and swam parallel with the group for a while giving everyone a chance to enjoy the turtle’s company.

For our second dive we traveled north to a wreck and artificial reef called the Toy Box and Playpen. This dive site is a favorite of many divers. With over 80 feet of visibility, this dive site is quite mesmerizing. The group swam around the Toy Box, a barge sitting east and west. A large congregation of sweeper fish hide in the innards of the wreck. Sergeant mayors dart back and forth from the safety of the rocks inside the barge. Beautiful azure sponges shine in iridescence.

We encounter a large southern stingray gliding above the sand on our drift to the Playpen. The barking sounds of the goliath groupers who live here year round could be heard. Minutes later we encounter these leviathans hiding in the large concrete culverts.

Just another day of scuba diving in a Florida Winter Wonderland.

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