South winds help moved the cold front out of the area, and made way for some gorgeous weather here in South Florida.  Gotta love a warm sunny day at the Blue Heron Bridge here in Palm Beach.. The dive started out at the shopping carts just offshore (straight 180 degrees South, follow the western edge of the swim area).  We saw the usual striped burrfish, spotted drum, scorpion fish, and yellow stingrays..

but where did the polka-dot batfish go?  Anyway, we cruised east and made our way under the moored boats, and enjoyed the sand divers, upside down jellyfish, and sergeant majors in the area.   As we got closer to the drop off by the East Bridge, we came across an Octopus, perched up in the sand…..after we spotted him, he began to roam freely about, letting me capture this video…(excuse the shakiness, I’m an amateur!).   This was one of many highlights today.  The resident tropicals were there of course;  Parrotfish, Angelfish, wrasses, barracudas, etc.  We also came across a huge school of Atlantic Spadefish under the bridge, and a large Southern Stingray under the docks (sans tail?)   Overall, a great day.  Water temp 72 degrees, visibility a fuzzy 30ft.  Another day to be grateful to be diving here in Palm Beach!   Check out more pics/videos on our Facebook page!
