
We headed out yesterday for a couple of dives north of the Lake Worth inlet. Our first stop was at Shark Canyon. This dive site was a shark feeding site some years ago, but still the sharks hang around. It’s common to see numerous reef sharks on this colorful reef.

As the group approached an area of the reef called the Amphitheater, the group settled in to wait for the sharks. A subadult green sea turtle swam by. At around the same time a couple of Caribbean reef sharks began to show up. The current was very light so it was easy to stay in the Amphitheater. An enormous school of Atlantic spadefish hovered over our head. A hawksbill sea turtle was busy looking for a nice sponge to snack on. Our dive guide, Colin, swam past me and did the fastest mask flood and clearing I have ever seen (someone must really be practicing!).

With 75 degree water temperature, a very light north current, 40ft of visibility, and a very cooperative dozen or so Caribbean reef sharks, Shark Canyon did not disappoint. Capt. Dean motored Sirena south to Spud Barge for our second dive.

The Spud Barge is a very unique wreck dive. This wreck is upside down and sits raised from the bottom. The sides of the wreck are gone so the inner structure of the wreck can be seen. This area of the wreck makes for some great photos with its unique play of light and shadows.

The best part of Spud Barge is its marine life, though. This wreck is a favorite hang out of the goliath groupers. About a dozen or so were hanging out around the wreck. A large southern stingray swam by. This very large stingray made the hundred pound plus groupers look tiny. A couple of Caribbean reef sharks circled us at the edge of visibility. Once again, dive guide Colin was trying to show off his mask clearing skills in front of the camera. I have a few things to say about his mask clearing skills this time around, but I think I will just let the video say it all. 🙂

After two enjoyable dives and a final ascent laughing away 1000 lbs. of air as I watched Colin and his art of clearing a mask in action, it was certainly another great day of diving in Palm Beach. With sharks, turtles, goliath groupers and entertaining dive guides, it’s easy to see why diving in Palm Beach is spectacular.