With a diverse group of divers coming from places like New York, Tampa and Germany, the ocean put on her best show. Glass calm seas and clear skies were with us throughout the day. Underwater we had 45-50ft. of visibility on Ron’s and Breaker’s reef with a very mild north current. 

As we traveled along the southern end of Flower Gardens, the group was treated to the sight of a large loggerhead sea turtle. Schools of squids hovered in formation. Even the tropical fish were on their best behavior, allowing for some very up close and personal portraits to be taken. 

After a relaxing surface interval, the group jumped in for a drift along the northern end of Breaker’s reef. This gorgeous reef never disappoints. The schools of fish were out in the numbers. More squids abound. Even Larry Wood’s satellite-tagged hawksbill sea turtle stopped by to pay us a visit. To finish off the dive with a bang, a couple  of nurse sharks, one of which looked like it was carrying babies, cruised beside the divers. 

With dives like this it is no wonder divers from all around the world come to visit West Palm Beach. We are very fortunate to have such an amazing diversity of marine life in our own backyard. Join us and experience the amazing Palm Beach diving for yourself!

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